Thursday, June 05, 2008

Easy solution to saving power missed?

Was away for a while, am catching up with the news and not surprisingly a number of people have written articles on how to reduce energy consumption, but everyone seems to have overlooked the simplest, most painless one: set the clock back.

This was first done in the desperate days of 1996/7, one of the few sensible things done by CBK, I might add. This was reversed a couple of years back, mainly with the intention of appeasing the gods.

The Gods have failed: flood, war, disease (chikungunya, dengue and viral flu's plus other exotics are rampant) and we await drought and pestilence. There is nothing further to be gained by trying to appease them any further, they can hardly do worse, so let us collectively boot out the gods, think for once and use available sunlight to the maximum.

To the detractors of this policy, the CEB admitted that it generated some Rs.400m a year in savings - at the time the policy was discontinued, it should be double that now.

ps. The tagging craze seems to be on, will try to repond as soon as time permits.

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