Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday musing

Woke up this morning almost shivering with cold. Spent a good part of the morning sneezing and sniffling, not something that would bother me much normally, but given the exotic types of influenza going around, dosed myself with piriton to stop the sneezing. It eased the problem but did not stop it. Took another late in the afternoon and followed it up with two panadols for good measure, but it seems to have helped only a little, which means something slightly more serious is creeping around my system.

So, falling back on an old remedy - eat like a pig to give the body the energy to fight back. No chocolate is available but there is a blancmange, which I'm eating as type, in between the odd sneeze or sniffle. My overall mood is thus, slightly grumpy, which may explain what follows.

Returned from the SOSL Christmas concert slightly disappointed despite a good performance by the orchestra. The issue was in the programme, not the performance. The second half of the concert was supposed to be Christmas Carols, some with audience participation. The carols that were played were all in jazz arrangements which I found unappealing.

The Grammy Award winning re-arrangement of the Handel's Hallelujah chorus was particularly distasteful. The programme note claims it to be a "gospel style reinterpretation", to me it was strongly reminiscent of the saccharine stuff that passes for music in the modern evangelical movement. Fortunately, Handel, being dead for 250 years, was in no position to object.

Shall take another does of panadols and piriton in another half hour and hope for the best, good night all and have a good week.

13 comments: said...

Just returned from the SOSL concert myself; and agree with you that there should have been more old-time carols in the second half and less jazz. But I loved the arrangement of the Hallelujah chorus - I guess we have different taste!

Delilah said...

Get well soon Jack and take care of the throat :)

Jack Point said...


yes, my taste has changed a bit, been doing a lot of early baroque music lately and the shock of the jazz was perhaps too much. Not the performance was bad, its just that I did'nt care much for the music.

Delilah, thanks. Did not think I would get into work today but panadol works wonders-shall go back and sleep in the afternoon, though.

Dee said...

get well soon. which was the sosl? i went for x'mas light

Hoot-a-Toot said...

Hey hope you are feeling OK by now. Take care CJ

santhoshi said...

Hope u are well today. take care..

Jack Point said...

Dee, Sue, Santhoshini, Thanks for the good wishes. Came back early and slept. Feeling a bit better now.

Dee the SOSl is the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka.

Angel said...

Blancmange? Yummy remedies you have! :)

Scrumps said...

I think some Christmas carols should remain in their original format. I love carol services! Our work one is on Wednesday - can't wait!

Hope you're feeling better! :)

Jack Point said...

Angel, also bread and butter with honey, which is what I had for breakfast.

Scrumpy - feeling better now, have fun on Wednesday:)

Anonymous said...

You NEED hot toddy.
A killer combination of whiskey, hot lemon juice and honey.
There are many online recepies of it but if you want to get a kick put a couple of cloves in.

Spesh said...

Here's hoping your better already!

Jack Point said...

Anon - thanks for that tip!

My World- thanks for dropping by - and yes, much improved as of now.