Friday, June 05, 2009

Kama Sutra

Apparently, Maharishi Vatsyayan has stated in his magnum opus "Kamasutra" that ....Sex is:

"Duty", if done with your Wife;

"Art", if done with your Lover;

"Education", if done with a Virgin;

"Business Transaction", if done with a Prostitute;

"Social Work", if done with a Divorcee;

"Charity", if done with a Widow, and;

"Sacrifice", if done with your own Hand.


Tulie said...

'Education', 'Social Work' and 'Charity' ! ! !

WoW, Never actually realized how much of those you males did :P

Jack Point said...

Yes, we are very conscious of our civic duties you know.

Thanks for dropping by.

N B said...

I love to educate small kids :-) Thats a lot of fun. Ya???? What say you? :-)

Jack Point said...

heh heh, definitely.